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Articles and Other Contributions
by Fr. Jacques Servais

Fr. Servais has been making written contributions to a variety of journals, newspapers, and reviews—Communio (in various languages), La Civiltà Cattolica, Nouvelle Revue Théologique, and L'Osservatore Romano to name a few. Below you will find a searchable and sortable list of these contributions, with links to PDFs where possible. If an article you are looking for is not available, please feel free to contact us.

Balthasar: Proponent and Beneficiary of the Thought of Ferdinand Ulrich
49/1 (2022) 182-217

The theological œuvre of Hans Urs von Balthasar and the smaller body of philosophical works by Ferdinand Ulrich, who was nearly thirty years his junior, are much more closely linked to each other than the still quite limited appreciation of Ulrich would suggest. [...] The aim of this essay [...] is above all to cast light on the role that Balthasar played in the promotion of Ulrich’s thought and the benefit he progressively drew from it in the development of his own work.

La strada di Ignazio per il cielo
Luoghi dell'Infinito
270 (marzo 2022) 20-27

Gli “Esercizi spirituali” sono un tesoro consegnato alla Chiesa
Un cammino di conversione, immerso nella storia sacra.

Peut-on parler d’« inversion trinitaire » ? Une question disputée entre Balthasar et Rahner (1)
Nouvelle Revue Théologique
144 (2022) 105-122

Pour Karl Rahner comme pour Hans Urs von Balthasar, la « Trinité immanente » ne peut être connue que par la « Trinité économique ». Mais les deux théologiens s’opposent sur la taxis trinitaire. Pour Rahner, il importe de garantir la transcendance de Dieu vis-à-vis du monde.

Peut-on parler d’« inversion trinitaire » ? Une question disputée entre Balthasar et Rahner (2)
Nouvelle Revue Théologique
144 (2022) 271-288

Pour Balthasar, Trinité immanente et Trinité économique ne se laissent pas purement et simplement reconduire à une logique abstraite unidimensionnelle. L’expression dans le monde du Dieu d’amour kénotique conduit à reconnaître une « inversion tri- nitaire » dans l’ordre économique des personnes divines.

Adrienne von Speyr. Una donna nel cuore del Ventesimo secolo, a cura di Jacques Servais. "Dal I. al III. Simposio internazionale", "Balthasar's Pole Star".
Cantagalli Eupress FTL, Lugano.
2020, 13-27, 135-143

Dalla morte di Hans Urs von Balthasar, avvenuta nel 1988, sono stati organizzati, in varie parti del mondo, parecchi simposi sulla sua figura e sulla sua opera. Colpisce tuttavia il fatto che nei vari contributi presentati in quelle occasioni, la figura e l’opera di Adrienne von Speyr, tanto legata alla sua persona, non abbiano ricevuto che poca attenzione.

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