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The Lubac-Balthasar-Speyr Association

The Lubac-Balthasar-Speyr Association was first assembled on February 18th, 1991, at the initiative of Joseph Ratzinger, who gathered together a group of disciples and friends of Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar, coming from various countries and belonging to diverse ecclesial or religious states:


In addition to assuming the moral and financial responsibility of the work of the Casa, the aim of the Association is that of making known the figure and work of Lubac, Balthasar, and Speyr and to promote an evangelical life and study in their spirit. There have been two major public events sponsored by the Association:

  • The international symposium “Henri de Lubac on the Centenary of his Birth 1896-1996” held on December 9-11, 1996 in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Centre d’Etudes St. Louis-de-France; and,

  • The international symposium “Adrienne von Speyr (1902-1967), A Woman in the Heart of the 20th Century”, marking the 50th anniversary of her death, held on November 17-18, 2017 in Rome and at the Vatican, in collaboration with  the Osservatore Romano’s monthly “Women-Church-World”.


On September 29th, 2006, the Italian Ministry of the Interior acknowledged the civil juridical person of the Lubac-Balthasar-Speyr Association. Its current members meet once or twice annually to deliberate on the President's management and that of the Board of Directors. In the Ordinary General Assembly, according to the provisions of the Statute in force, the President presents on the general state of the various efforts of the association. This typically includes a report on the financial statements, resident entrances and departures, news of former residents (novitiate or seminary entrances, vows, ordinations, marriages, demissions, etc.), and an outline of the activities that have taken place (either within or outside the Casa).

The current president of the association is Mr Joachim Honeck, MA.

History of the Casa

Formed in 1990 at the behest of then Cardinal Ratzinger, with the commitment of an international group of disciples and friends of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Henri de Lubac, for more than 30 years the Casa Balthasar has offered to young people from all over the world a service of Christian and cultural formation and of vocational discernment (in a broad sense). The discernment and formation program offered is of a Christian-humanistic character and is intended for a length of approximately two years. Along with numerous religious and diocesan priests, the Casa also counts among its alumni a good number of consecrated lay people who live their vows within the world.

Since its beginning Fr. Jacques Servais has been the rector. In 2024 the direction of the House has been taken over by Fr Andrea Brutto.

Scope of the Casa

The scope of the Casa is essentially twofold: it seeks to offer itself as a place for spiritual discernment, and to provide opportunities for spiritual, intellectual, and cultural formation.


For those in search of clarity, especially with regard to vocation, the Casa offers two distinct means of discernment. The first is personally-guided retreats of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, usually from one to four weeks. The second, for those interested in a more extensive period of discernment (coupled with a formation in the Christian life modeled around the evangelical counsels), the Casa makes itself home to a small group of temporary residents.

An internal "accademia" of the house also exists to supplement this formational program, with the aim of providing an education in Christian humanism according to the thought and teachings of the principal authors.

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Other edifying cultural events such as musical, theatrical performances, literary readings, and public conferences are announced here. >>> NEWS


of the Casa...



Jun. 26: The death of Balthasar, two days before he was to be made Cardinal by Pope John Paul II.


Feb. 17: The Association L.B.S., the body responsible for the functioning of the C.B., meets for the first time.

What is the

Casa Balthasar?

The Casa Balthasar is an international house of spiritual discernment and studies, located in Rome, Italy. It is intended primarily for young people who are convinced of the world’s need for radical Christian commitment and aspire to give themselves to the Lord in some form of consecrated life.

LBS Association


Feb. 17: The Casa Balthasar is founded and begins its mission.



Oct. 5: The Accademia Balthasar begins its first academic year.



Sept. 27: Casa Balthasar relocates to its present location on the Via Nomentana.


Sept 27: The Casa Balthasar celebrates its 30th anniversary.

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