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Henri de Lubac
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Adrienne von Speyr

For those seeking spiritual direction and guidance in making the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

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For those seeking spiritual direction and guidance in making the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.


For those seeking resources related to our authors for research purposes from our specialized library.

- News - 


Christian state of life in literature

Here you can see the authors whose works we looked at in our summer session. «Creating something that reflects absolute Being and Love is perhaps the most extraordinary thing that exists!» once said Karol WojtyÅ‚a. Together with him and other authors one can discover what it means to share in this love in a christian state of life. Read more by clicking on the images.


Friedrich Nietzsche

«Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it... One day you shall love beyond yourselves! So first learn to love...»


Hugo von Hofmannsthal

«The whole world came back to me as something pure and new and at the same time so natural. And then all of a sudden I could think deep down what it is...»


Søren Kierkegaard

«My friend! What I have said to you so often I say once more, or rather I shout it to you: either/or; aut/aut. […] Do you think one can always joke with life?...»


C. S. Lewis

«Lord, are these your real terms? Can I meet H. again only if I learn to love you so much that I don't care whether I meet her or not? Consider, Lord, how it looks to us...»


Karol Wojtyła

«Certain times human life seems to be too short for love. Sometimes it is otherwise - human love seems to be too short for a long life. Or perhaps too superficial...»


From the beginning, the Casa has been entirely abandoned to God's providence, and relies on the generous giving of others to sustain the different activities.


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