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God's beauty in earthly «Gestalt»

Anselm re-read by Balthasar

The Accademia Balthasar invites to a course held in Italian by Dr. Florian Pitschl (Brixen) from 26 to 30 September.

"Anselm contemplates the highest rectitude of the divine revelation in creation and redemption; he discerns its truth from the harmony, from the faultless proportions, from the way in which it must be so, something at once dependent on the utmost freedom and manifesting the utmost freedom, and this vision reveals to him absolute beauty:

God's beauty in the freely fashioned form of the world. when he asks by what reason or necessity God was made man, the question appears to him very difficult, but in its solution it is intelligible to all and delightful both on account of its usefulness and on account of the beauty of the reason." (Hans Urs von Balthasar)

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